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Cedar Money: The Adventures of Cedar Cutting Along the Buffalo River

  • Newton County Library Stone Street Jasper, AR United States (map)

Presented by Toinette Madison, sixth generation Newtonian, Past Director of Bradley House Newton County Museum and Past Director of The Boone County Heritage Museum, current director of the Newton County Chamber of Commerce and the Jasper Advertising and Promotion Commission.

Short Summary of the Event:  The many cedars along the Buffalo brought “cedar money” to Newton County in the early 1900’s. It made for hard work, adventure and colorful stories as the men cut, readied and then transported the cedar along the Buffalo. Toinette Madison retells recorded stories of her family’s adventures during this time and how it came to play a role in her life much later.

Contact for virtual option.

Later Event: September 10
Stilt Grass Removal Project